Managed Services in Language Industry
The main benefits of this language services model are process optimization and the reduction of costs and time, as well as improved translation quality and consistency.
The outsourcing model of Managed Services was originally developed in the early 1980s by MSPs (Managed Services Providers) from the IT industry. As technology rapidly spread into virtually every type of business, the concept of managed services came to include solutions from various industries, including the localization and translation services.
Translation Project Management for Hire
The Managed Services model essentially functions as a joint venture of two or more companies specialized in different fields.
For example, if an organization or a company already has a translation or localization team and defined internal linguistic processes, but wants to optimize the process, reduce costs and time required for translation, it can use project management services of a dedicated LSP.
Thus, the language services provider (in this case, in the role of an MSP) manages the internal localization or translation project of another company (i.e. the client), using its own procedures, experience, skills and expertise and working closely with the client.
The clients, however, remain fully involved and the process is optimized in accordance with their requirements. Linguistic managed services can be used temporarily or they can become a regular, day-to-day service of an external localization or translation project manager working with the internal linguistic team.
The results are a faster, less time-consuming and more cost-efficient translation or localization process and more consistent, higher quality translation.
Benefits of Managed Services
The main benefits of this language services model are process optimization and the reduction of costs and time, as well as improved translation quality and consistency.
The expert language industry MSP first examines the current internal translation and localization process, detects weaknesses in the process (this may include a wide range of factors, from the translators’ expertise and their methods of work to the use of CAT tools and the creation of term bases and translation memories).
Once the existing process is thoroughly examined, the MSP suggests necessary changes, develops a new translation or localization process or updates the existing one and designs the best possible solution for project optimization.
The results include a faster, less time-consuming and more cost-efficient translation or localization process and more consistent translation of higher quality.