
Why LLMs Aren’t Ready to Replace Human Translators

Ciklopea 3 months ago 2 min
Why LLMs Aren’t Ready to Replace Human Translators

In today’s digital age, the landscape of language services has undergone a dramatic transformation. With the advent of free translation tools, many wonder about the future of language service providers (LSPs). At Ciklopea, we’re not only adapting to these changes, but have evolved to offer unparalleled value in this new ecosystem.

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Understanding Linguistic Annotation: Enhancing Language Data for AI and ML

Ciklopea 4 months ago read 10 min

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the role of linguistic annotation has become more important than ever. As companies and developers work to build smarter systems, from chatbots to translation tools, the need for high-quality language data is paramount. But what exactly is linguistic annotation, and why is it so important?

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The Crucial Role of Linguistic Validation in Global Research

Ciklopea 5 months ago 8 min.
linguistic validation

In an increasingly globalised world, research and clinical trials often span multiple countries and cultures. This expansion necessitates the accurate translation of materials to ensure that all participants, regardless of their native language, can understand and respond appropriately. This is where linguistic validation comes into play.

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Why AI Won’t Take Away Translators’ Jobs

Ciklopea 12 months ago 8 min

It’s a story that’s as old as time. Every time a new technology emerges, you have two groups of people. One group is excited about the potential applications and the other panics about the change ahead and potential disruption. AI in the translation industry has sparked similar reactions.

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Top Tips for Hiring a Professional Translation Service

Ciklopea 1 year ago 8 min
ciklopea translation services

Finding the right partner to provide you with professional translation services takes time, and it’s not an easy task. In fact, it’s not all that different from expanding your in-house team. You need to define needs and expectations, check candidate qualifications and experience, ask for references, and more besides.

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Ciklopea’s 20th Anniversary, and Recognition as One of the Top LSPs in Southern Europe

Ciklopea 1 year ago 5 min
Ciklopea's 20th Anniversary, and Recognition as One of the Top LSPs in Southern Europe

We’ve reached a momentous milestone, and the excitement is palpable as we get ready to pop open the metaphorical champagne and throw confetti all around! Two decades ago, a vision was born that would forever change the way we connect, understand, and communicate across the boundaries of culture and geography. Bootstrapping a language services company wasn’t easy, but it was definitely worth it.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Translating Your Website

Ciklopea 2 years ago 9 min
The Dos and Don’ts of Translating Your Website

So you’ve decided to translate your website. Congratulations on your decision! Making your website accessible in different languages can increase your conversion rates and create a more meaningful experience for your target audience. Not only that, but it also helps you establish trust with your site visitors and build a positive brand image.

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Preparing for Localization: How to Produce the Source Content the Right Way

Ciklopea 3 years ago 5 min read
Preparing for Localization: How to Produce the Source Content the Right Way

Internationalization or i18n is the concept of product/service design that facilitates expansion into foreign markets (or globalization) through localization. The term is chiefly used in the software localization domain, but it can be easily applied to any other field. In this article, we take a closer look at how the internalization principles can be successfully applied to content production to make the localization process smoother, cheaper and leaner.

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Word for Word and More: Terminology Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Ciklopea 4 years ago 8 min read

In literally every survey that we have ever conducted among our clients from the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, accurate terminology has always been singled out as the primary concern in translation for these sectors. In this article, we will take a closer look at the reasons for this and how the translation technologies can help us address this issue and ensure accuracy of terminology.

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Translating Patient-Facing Content: Challenges and Solutions

Ciklopea 4 years ago 4 min read

Patient-facing content includes all medical and pharmaceutical materials targeted at patients and end users who are not necessarily familiar with expert terminology and procedures.

Depending on their purpose, these materials may cover a wide range of topics, from legal information to instructions for use of medical devices, and all of this must be conveyed in a clear and unambiguous manner to make the information understandable to the non-expert target audiences.

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Digital Transformation and Translation Asset Management: Hand in Glove

Ciklopea 5 years ago 4 min read

We may perceive translation in various ways – it may be good, bad, correct, incorrect, fluent, awkward, poetic, mechanical and so on – but it is easy to forget that translation is actually an asset. To be more precise, our painstakingly and successfully localized materials for specific markets are assets simply by virtue of their function – they generate profit, reduce expenses and improve sales.

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What Is an Editable File (And Why PDF Isn’t Really One)

Ciklopea 5 years ago 4 min read

Editable file is one of the language industry’s magic phrases that activates certain powers such as cost/time optimization. The reason is simple – editable files can be easily imported in CAT tools and thus enable the localization teams to apply the carefully developed processes of linguistic and technical adaptation, quality control and optional DTP. Simply put – there is no localization process and reliable quality control without the CAT software and CAT software can only be used with editable files.

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The Four Eyes Principle in the Language Industry: How Does it Work?

Ciklopea 6 years ago 5 min read

Every serious language service provider has a quality management system in place that may include various steps depending on the project requirements. However, these quality management systems are always built around the two major phases of translation/localization project – translation and revision (also known as bilingual editing) that are performed by two individual linguists or linguist teams.

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Interview with Marija Omazić: “New generations of students are more digitally literate and more mobile”

Zana Čizmin 6 years ago 6 min read
Marija Omazić

After several years of successful cooperation, we decided to learn more about Marija Omazić, full professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Osijek and the chair of the master’s programme in translation at the Department of English. She shared with us the joys of working with students and the details about many projects she was involved in.

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eLearning Localization: Building a Global Education System

Ciklopea 7 years ago 4 min read

When I first started writing this article, I had to decide how I’m going to style the head noun of the title. Is it e-Learning with a hyphen or without it and what’s the difference anyway? So, I did a little research and found out that the former was used in the earlier days when the concept was still new and unfamiliar to many. But as it was rising and slowly becoming a regular part of our lives, we dropped the hyphen so we could save ourselves from pressing one more key of the keyboard. That’s how I got to learn something new, even if it’s as banal as learning how to style a word.

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The Missing Piece In Translating Clinical Research Materials

Mladen Stojak 7 years ago 5 min read
Translating Clinical Research

That dreadful phrase bad translation has two distinct meanings – first, there is the obvious one, a text (or any other material) replete with errors in meaning, style, grammar and orthography and second, the more serious one, including delayed and cancelled product launches, loss of time, resources and energy and, most dreadful of them all, negative representation on a foreign market, which is also the price of a bad translation.

How to prevent it?

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Updating Clinical Study Documentation: Translation, Consistency and Quality

Ciklopea 7 years ago 4 min read
Updating Clinical Study Documentation: Translation, Consistency and Quality

The amount of textual materials used before, during and after clinical research is often massive as they include a wide range of documents composed by healthcare professionals, legal and financial experts and patients. If any of these documents needs to be updated or changed for any reason, amending and updating the translated versions may be difficult and time-consuming.

Luckily, there are processes and technologies designed to make these actions painless.

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Trascreation for the Life Sciences: Why, When and How

Ciklopea 7 years ago 3 min read
Kreativno prevajanje za medicino in farmacijo: zakaj, kdaj in kako

Transcreation is most definitely not one of the things that spring to mind when we talk about the medical translation or localization of pharmaceutical materials. With all the seriousness of study protocols, summaries of product characteristics and correspondences with the regulatory bodies, we tend to forget that medical and pharmaceutical companies also need marketing solutions to propel their business and reach their customers and clients.

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Medical Translation Challenges

Ciklopea 7 years ago 3 min read
Medical Translation Challenges

The task of language professionals is essentially the same across industries and can always be summarized as helping companies and organizations communicate their messages to the target audiences, partners and clients. In this article we take a look at what medical translators need to know to make this communication possible in the vast and the diverse world of life sciences.

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Science or Fiction: Machine Translation Explained

Ciklopea 7 years ago 4 min read
Science or Fiction: Machine Translation Explained | Blog | Ciklopea

Once when I was a kid, I was passing by a car wash which had the big written sign “Machine washing and polishing” with a friend who asked me, all amazed, “Wow, they have machines to wash the cars?!” And the guy who worked there heard him and replied, mildly disappointed “Do I look like a machine to you?” We did not expect that, but he, indeed, was still a human being. Same goes with machine translation (MT).

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Transcreation: A Very Short Introduction

Ciklopea 7 years ago 4 min read
Globalization is achieved through localization

Copywriters use a variety of stylistic devices to create catchy and effective marketing messages. Most of the time, though, these devices only work in the source language and can easily get lost in translation. This is where transcreation or creative translation comes into play.

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Language Industry as an Auxiliary Discipline to Life Sciences

Ciklopea 9 years ago 6 min read

The massive amount of life sciences texts being translated to almost every written language of the world every day is essentially an active exchange of information on the cutting-edge life sciences products, procedures and development that are constantly widening the lexical stock of the target languages and thus make a valuable contribution to the scientific arenas of the target territories.

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