Ciklopea’s 20th Anniversary, and Recognition as One of the Top LSPs in Southern Europe

Ciklopea 2 years ago 5 min

We’ve reached a momentous milestone, and the excitement is palpable as we get ready to pop open the metaphorical champagne and throw confetti all around! Two decades ago, a vision was born that would forever change the way we connect, understand, and communicate across the boundaries of culture and geography. Bootstrapping a language services company wasn’t easy, but it was definitely worth it.

Ciklopea's 20th Anniversary, and Recognition as One of the Top LSPs in Southern Europe

Today, we stand proud and humbled to announce that we have not only survived but thrived, reaching heights that were once just dreams and aspirations.

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we are thrilled to announce that CSA Research, an independent market research firm, has once again recognized Ciklopea as a leader in the multibillion-dollar global translation, interpreting, and localization industry.

On the List of the Top 20 LSPs in Southern Europe

Once again, we’ve earned our place on the list of top 20 language service providers in Southern Europe. This recognition marks the sixth consecutive time that Ciklopea has been acknowledged as a leader by CSA, beginning in 2018.

We take immense pride in our journey, which started with a home-based startup and has seen us transform into an industry leader through continuous investment in our people, processes, and technologies.

Mladen Stojak, CSO at Ciklopea, expressed his thoughts on this year’s ranking, stating:

“Over the past 20 years, we have perfected our vision of delivering top-quality language solutions. Thanks to our team’s ever-evolving expertise, continuous investment in technological infrastructure, and highly-developed business processes, all of which set us apart, we consistently meet our clients’ needs year after year.”

It’s all about commitment and persistence. At the core of Ciklopea’s culture lies the will to constantly improve, whether it’s related to the way we work, the technology we use, or the processes we rely on.

“Being recognized as one of the best LSPs in Southern Europe for the sixth time reaffirms that our hard work is paying off. We are motivated to achieve even better results in the future, and we extend our gratitude to our partners for their commitment and the successful results we have achieved together,” says Mladen.

Talented People and the Ability to Adapt

Close up of young people putting their hands together. Team with stack of hands showing unity and teamwork.

Having a good team was the key to Ciklopea’s success. Much like a skilled crew on a sailing adventure, our competent team navigated the challenging business waters, efficiently divided ownership, and supported each other during rough times. We all had to adapt, innovate, and take calculated risks, ensuring the business could seize opportunities for growth.

Sandra Stojak, CEO at Ciklopea, emphasized the company’s core focus and the ability to adapt:

“The past few months have brought us significant challenges, but we understand the necessity of accepting change and adapting to new circumstances. It is during such times that we truly witness the resilience and strength of our team.”

Early on, we realized it’s extremely important for our team members to work together seamlessly. For example, translators and localization experts with a deep understanding of the target languages and cultures ensure accurate and culturally sensitive translations. Project managers coordinate tasks, set clear deadlines, and maintain open communication to ensure smooth workflow and timely deliveries. Specialized linguists carry out quality assurance through rigorous editing and proofreading processes, which ensures consistently high standards.

Adaptability and tech-savviness are crucial, as language services require a thorough knowledge of evolving technologies and diverse client requirements. That’s why having talented people in your company’s ranks means the world.  Sandra adds:

“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated employees at Ciklopea. Your hard work, flexibility, and determination have been essential in overcoming challenges and driving our ongoing success. Thank you for your exceptional efforts.”

Ciklopea hires for attitude, not for skills, as Mladen Stojak, the company’s CSO, shared in an interview for GALA:

“The first thing we’re looking for is whether that individual is a good fit, and whether they display a willingness to learn, improve, change, and adapt.”

Ultimately, a strong team is the driving force behind a successful business, guiding it towards its goals and overcoming challenges along the way.

Making the Most of AI and Language Technology

AI background business technology, digital transformation

The rise of AI technology, and ChatGPT in particular, has caused unreasonable panic in the language industry, primarily due to the fear that human translators might very soon become obsolete. While these tools have made significant strides in natural language processing and machine translation, they are not likely to replace humans.

AI lacks the depth of contextual understanding, creativity, subject-matter expertise, emotional intelligence, and ethical considerations that human translators bring to the table. The human touch in translation remains invaluable for accurate, culturally sensitive, and industry-specific communication needs.

At Ciklopea, we believe that it’s worth replacing fear with curiosity, and figuring out how to make the most of AI and available technology to work better and smarter.

In the mid-2000s, we invested in a Trados server and started using computer-assisted translation. Today we have four different CAT servers, and we’ve created impressive databases and various bilingual corpora for different industries. If you’re going to work with AI, it needs an extensive amount of quality data to do a good job.

“We don’t fear that technology will take our jobs because we’ve been working with it for years. The future lies in the collaboration between AI and humans,” said Sandra in an interview for Bloomberg Adria.

At Ciklopea, we find that the optimal approach is a collaborative one, where AI tools aid and complement human translators, enhancing efficiency and expanding their capabilities rather than replacing them. We’ve also developed Orchestrum, our proprietary BMS, which helps us boost productivity by up to 85% thanks to process automation; and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the way we’re using technology to optimize translation and localization costs.

What’s Next for Ciklopea?

These past two decades have been amazing, such an exciting ride for us. When we were getting started, translations were still being sent through the post and most linguists worked on typewriters. Ciklopea was among the first companies to launch a business website.

Everything’s changed now. The language market is becoming more saturated and new technologies are continuously emerging. Only with a focus on people, technology, and processes can we ensure that we stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.

So, what’s next for Ciklopea? We’re excited to get started on a new phase of growth and embrace the new challenges that lie ahead!

At Ciklopea, we feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for all those who’ve been a part of this journey. From our dedicated team members and visionary leadership to our wonderful clients and loyal supporters – this celebration is as much yours as it is ours.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our services. Here’s to 20 years of excellence, growth, and continued success in breaking down language barriers.

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