AI for faster and more affordable translationsAI for faster and more affordable translations

As technology advances, so do our translation practices. We believe AI translations can be powerful if used wisely, especially when it comes to speed and cost efficiency.

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Rethinking language services with AI

There’s a lot of skepticism surrounding AI translations. We’re here to tell you that machine translation has its place in the localization ecosystem.

Machine translation boosts the productivity of translators by up to 60%

Machine translation boosts the productivity of translators by up to 60%

Quickly translate repetitive content with post-translation human editing

Quickly translate repetitive content with post-translation human editing

Balance costs by freeing up time for more complex translations

Balance costs by freeing up time for more complex translations

AI translation = translations that rely on the power of MT and help you optimize your resources, boost the productivity of your chosen translation team, and accelerate the entire process.

MT boosts the productivity of translators by up to 60%MT boosts the productivity of translators by up to 60%

The combination of machine translation and advanced artificial intelligence systems allows translators to speed up their translation process.

An average translator at Ciklopea can translate between 2000-2500 words per day without any help from MT. Imagine how much faster turnaround times could be if we let machines do the heavy lifting?

According to our calculations, somewhere between 50-60%.

Quickly translate repetitive contentQuickly translate repetitive content

From manuals and user guides to privacy policies and other uniform legal documentation, you’re dealing with projects that require a lot of repetitive work.

With MT, translators don’t have to start from scratch. They can post-edit the content and do quality assurance so everything is ready much faster than it would be if they weren’t using tech.

And what does this mean for you? Lower costs, faster translation turnaround, and better translation quality.

Balance costs by dedicating more attention to complex projectsBalance costs by dedicating more attention to complex projects

AI translation is not the optimal solution for every type of project. For example, if you have marketing materials or long-form SEO content, then human translation and transcreation might be needed.

However, with machine translation and AI, you can cut costs where human post-editing is sufficient and then allocate the remaining resources to more complex projects.

Let us know what type of project you need help with, and we can advise you on the best way to proceed.

We deliver the best localization services. The numbers don’t lie.

95% Customers recommend us
98.1% Customers stay with us
99.6% Proven delivery accuracy

Ready to translate?

We thought so. Let’s talk and see if we’d be a good fit.

Learn more about AI on our blog

Maximizing Translation Efficiency with AI-Powered TM Cleanup: The Future of Localization

Ciklopea 4 months ago

In the fast-paced world of localization, maintaining the accuracy and quality of Translation Memories (TMs) is essential for ensuring seamless, consistent translations. As companies scale globally, the size of their TMs grows exponentially, which can lead to inconsistencies, outdated translations, and even redundant content. That’s where AI-powered TM Cleanup comes into play. This innovative solution combines the strengths of AI with prompt engineering, revolutionizing how organizations manage their TMs.

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Meet Ciklopea at LocWorld51

Ciklopea 8 months ago

We are thrilled to announce that our Managing Partner, Mladen Stojak, will be attending LocWorld51 in Dublin from June 5-7, 2024. This event is a key gathering for professionals in the localization and globalization industry, and we are excited to be a part of it.

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