
The Missing Piece In Translating Clinical Research Materials

Mladen Stojak 7 years ago 5 min read
Translating Clinical Research

That dreadful phrase bad translation has two distinct meanings – first, there is the obvious one, a text (or any other material) replete with errors in meaning, style, grammar and orthography and second, the more serious one, including delayed and cancelled product launches, loss of time, resources and energy and, most dreadful of them all, negative representation on a foreign market, which is also the price of a bad translation.

How to prevent it?

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Updating Clinical Study Documentation: Translation, Consistency and Quality

Ciklopea 7 years ago 4 min read
Updating Clinical Study Documentation: Translation, Consistency and Quality

The amount of textual materials used before, during and after clinical research is often massive as they include a wide range of documents composed by healthcare professionals, legal and financial experts and patients. If any of these documents needs to be updated or changed for any reason, amending and updating the translated versions may be difficult and time-consuming.

Luckily, there are processes and technologies designed to make these actions painless.

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