
Word for Word and More: Terminology Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Ciklopea 4 years ago 8 min read

In literally every survey that we have ever conducted among our clients from the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, accurate terminology has always been singled out as the primary concern in translation for these sectors. In this article, we will take a closer look at the reasons for this and how the translation technologies can help us address this issue and ensure accuracy of terminology.

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Trascreation for the Life Sciences: Why, When and How

Ciklopea 7 years ago 3 min read
Kreativno prevajanje za medicino in farmacijo: zakaj, kdaj in kako

Transcreation is most definitely not one of the things that spring to mind when we talk about the medical translation or localization of pharmaceutical materials. With all the seriousness of study protocols, summaries of product characteristics and correspondences with the regulatory bodies, we tend to forget that medical and pharmaceutical companies also need marketing solutions to propel their business and reach their customers and clients.

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