Ciklopea at DIA Europe 2021
We are happy to announce that Ciklopea, in its capacity as one of the leading providers of advanced language solutions for the life sciences sector, will exhibit at the forthcoming DIA Europe 2021 (virtual) event.
We are happy to announce that Ciklopea, in its capacity as one of the leading providers of advanced language solutions for the life sciences sector, will exhibit at the forthcoming DIA Europe 2021 (virtual) event.
We are happy to announce that our CSO Mladen Stojak and our Business Development Representative Nancy Hähnel will be among the panelists at the NEXT Pharma Summit webinar Digital Asset Management in Localization Process and How to Do It Better? on 31 March 2021.
We may perceive translation in various ways – it may be good, bad, correct, incorrect, fluent, awkward, poetic, mechanical and so on – but it is easy to forget that translation is actually an asset. To be more precise, our painstakingly and successfully localized materials for specific markets are assets simply by virtue of their function – they generate profit, reduce expenses and improve sales.