Wallis Automotive Europe Achieves Continuous Localization with Ciklopea

WAE CEE Ltd. is a subsidiary of AutoWallis PLC, one of Central Europe’s most dynamically growing players in the automotive sector, with interests in wholesale, retail, rental and car sharing. The company is the exclusive distributor of vehicles and accessories from several major brands in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Adriatic region.


The Challenge

As the official importer of Opel passenger cars and commercial vehicles in Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina, responsible for supporting a large retailer network and supplying parts and accessories for a fleet of more than one million vehicles, WAE was looking for a reliable provider of language solutions that would be able to support the company’s operations on these markets by providing customized localization solutions on a regular basis.

WAE’s requirements largely include translation and localization of marketing and corporate materials such as websites, brochures, catalogs, leaflets and similar content that often requires DTP and proofreading from English to Croatian and Slovenian, frequent updates, as well as strict adherence to any project-specific instructions.

Following the initial meeting and positive feedback on the test translations provided by Ciklopea, WAE selected Ciklopea as its new language solutions provider.

The Solution

Right from the start, we understood that agility was the key to success in this particular case. In other words, speed and frequent updates were identified early on as the two major aspects that would dictate how the process should be designed to ensure quality, accuracy and timely delivery.

This meant that projects for WAE needed to be executed in a cloud-based environment because such an approach would enable us to centralize the process and project assets, as well as quickly update the localized content and the master translation memory following client review. At the same time, this approach would enable shared workflows for our linguist, DTP and quality assurance teams.

Our CAT tool of choice was MemoQ due to its stability and flexible features, which enabled us to create templates that were tailored to the client and the language pairs, with the required translation memory and term bases.

We also took into consideration the importance of terminology, style and consistency and started developing term bases and style guides based on the client’s feedback from the very first project.

The members of the linguistic team (translators and reviewers) were selected on the basis of their experience in automotive and marketing localization as well as their track record. However, their ability to deliver translations of optimum quality quickly enough was also a major factor.

Depending on the requirements of each particular project, the workflow steps include translation and linguistic review, as well as DTP, proofreading and quality assurance.

In cases when materials that were localized earlier require updating, the workflow also includes translation alignment, i.e. segmentation and the development of new translation assets on the basis of the existing localized content, enabling the client to make any desired updates and fixes while maintaining the existing style and terminology and cutting the total costs of localization.

In addition, during translation and review of updated content, the linguistic team consults the earlier version of the final file for reference to make sure all the solutions previously implemented by the client are used in the new version as well.

The client reviews each translation after it has been delivered and provides feedback. Any changes are immediately entered into the translation memory/termbase/style guide, the working translation assets are deleted and the master translation memory is updated and wrapped up accordingly, enabling the linguistic teams to always perform their tasks in accordance with the latest client feedback, and enabling the client to have ultimate control over the style and the terminology used.

The Result

In accordance with our philosophy of individual approaches and customized solutions, we assessed the requirements of WAE and identified the following major aspects:

WAE CEE Ltd. is a subsidiary of AutoWallis PLC, one of Central Europe’s most dynamically growing players in the automotive sector, with interests in wholesale, retail, rental and car sharing. The company is the exclusive distributor of vehicles and accessories from several major brands in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Adriatic region.

  • Agility;
  • Speed;
  • Implementation of frequent updates;
  • Turn-key solutions (projects that include translation, linguistic review, DTP and proofreading).

We are happy to confirm that Ciklopea’s process was designed accordingly and that they have been able to support, facilitate and ultimately enhance our business operations on local markets.

Ana Butković, Marketing Specialist

The projects are executed every week and our dedicated project teams are able to respond to any client requests quickly and precisely by following this tailored process.

In addition to the expertise and experience of our teams, our dedication and flexibility, and our infrastructure, which enables smooth integration into the client’s existing processes, we would also like to point out that the client’s involvement in the projects through review and feedback is another extremely important element of their overall success. This feedback enables our teams to fine-tune the project execution in complete accordance with the client’s requirements, eliminating any terminology-related ambiguities.

As our collaboration progresses, there are progressively fewer changes for implementation on the basis of client feedback thanks to the agile management of translation memories, term bases and style guides. In addition to ensuring accuracy and consistency, this process also cuts the total cost of localization and shortens the turnaround times for individual projects.

Ready to localize?

We thought so. Let’s talk and see if we’d be a good fit.