Digital Transformation and Translation Asset Management: Hand in Glove
We may perceive translation in various ways – it may be good, bad, correct, incorrect, fluent, awkward, poetic, mechanical and so on – but it is easy to forget that translation is actually an asset. To be more precise, our painstakingly and successfully localized materials for specific markets are assets simply by virtue of their function – they generate profit, reduce expenses and improve sales.
However, it takes specific knowledge and smart application of language technologies to actually turn the scattered localized materials into viable assets that can be easily accessed, reused and recycled to reduce costs and turnaround times and generate value.
It is all digital now
It is. And language industry has actually gone digital ages ago – the things we do can, for the most part, be summarized as combination of traditional linguistic expertise and cutting-edge technologies. These things put together spell Translation Asset Management or TAM, a process of development and maintenance of multilingual datasets for use on ongoing translation/localization projects with three basic purposes:
- Optimization of costs/turnaround times.
- Improved consistency and quality across different materials/languages.
- Standardization of translation/localization workflow
We achieve this by utilizing the advantages of digital technologies and services of professional human translations.
How it works?
There are two basic scenarios:
- You have translated versions of documents in Word, Excel or any other editable format that were not performed in a CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tool.
We perform translation alignment, develop translation memories and termbases and use them on current and future translation projects.
- You don’t have any translated materials and we are doing a fresh project for you. We develop translation memories and termbases from scratch during that project and use them on future projects.
Why do we do it?
To generate more professionally translated content faster and with lower expenses. Simple as that.
How does it fit into digital transformation?
Perfectly. In addition to the above benefits, one major aspect of translation asset management is the ability to integrate translation process into the existing digital infrastructure. If you need a website localized, there are ways to integrate your CMS and translation platforms and perform the entire localization online, with linguistic and structural integrity intact across different languages. If you need marketing materials, IFUs or any other printed or digital materials localized, there are ways to combine localization and DTP processes. Your business is digital. Our services designed to help your business blossom on the international markets are fully digital too. Pretty much a hand in glove situation.