Marina Orešković on Challenges of the Expert or In-country Review – tcworld conference talk

Ciklopea 6 years ago 2 min read

Tcworld conference gathers translation and localization experts who contribute a lot to the language industry community with their innovative ways of thinking.

tekom tcworld conference Marina Oreskovic

We’re happy to announce that one of the speakers at this year’s conference will be our Chief Operations Officer Marina Orešković.

For her talk, Marina chose the topic which causes a lot of discussion amongst LSPs, and those are the challenges of the expert or in-country review.

Since it should ensure the best quality of the localized message and market success for the service or product, this presentation will put emphasis on some of its advantages and possible pitfalls.

Using the case studies, Marina will show the different workflows and approaches to the review step and the skills that the reviewers should have to ensure smooth workflows and best results of localization processes.

Just to remind you, the two-day conference will take place in Stuttgart, from 13 November to 15 November.

Mark your calendars and meet us there!

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