Ciklopea, a Member of NEC TM Data Consortium, Wins Contract for the National European Central Translation Memory Data Platform by the European Commission

Ciklopea 6 years ago 4 min read

We are happy to announce that Ciklopea is part of a winning consortium that will conduct a thorough research on translation costs in public administration and estimated savings through development and use of translation memories in Spain, Latvia and Croatia for Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).

European Commission

Pangeanic (Spain), Tilde (Latvia) and Ciklopea (Croatia) will join forces in NEC TM Data Consortium to implement a centralized database of translation assets for public contracts in 3 + 7 Member States. The project is also supported by the Spanish SEAD (State Secretariat for Digital Advancement).

The objectives of NEC TM Data Platform are to build a data bridge between public administration and language service providers, to promote the free flow of data between public administration and translation professionals and to act as a bridge between ELRC (European Language Resource Coordination) and European data-gathering efforts and national digital data-gathering efforts.

The NEC TM DATA consortium will deliver:

  1. A central pan-European Translation Memory-sharing platform, where TMs will be shared directly among Public Administrations, LSPs and professional linguists working on translations for the public sector.
  2. Versions of NEC TM at national level so that Member States can organize their language resources, categorize and classify them, and apply fuzzy matching to translation contracts.
  3. An online, collaborative translation memory to which translation companies can connect during translation projects, with automatic updates of each translation phase.
  4. Creation of a pan-European data-sharing awareness campaign, promoting better data-sharing practices in translation contracts between public administrations and language service providers.
NEC TM Data Platform

NEC TM Data Platform

The NEC TM DATA platform will feature full text analysis, fuzzy matches, CAT-tool integration and relevant KPIs. The platform will be based on Pangeanic’s ActivaTM , which will integrate, utilize, and enhance the CEF eTranslation platform for national and European digital services.

Pan-European Data-Sharing Awareness Campaign

To promote better data-sharing practices and encourage usage of the NEC TM DATA platform, the consortium will deliver a pan-European TM-sharing awareness campaign to engage national public administrations by providing a solid framework for data sharing. Part of this effort will be through a study on translation contracts in the EU, providing an overview of the value of all national translation contracts and generated data that can be made available, plus potential savings.

Along with this study, awareness-raising info sessions will be held, where decision-makers and stakeholders at the ministry level in several countries will be made aware of the need to gather and organize translation resources.

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