The Advantages of Localizing Your Mobile App

Ciklopea 11 months ago 5 min read

So, you’ve launched your mobile app. Your user base is growing, NPS scores are pretty good, and you’re continuously collecting customer feedback and improving your product. That’s pretty exciting!

It could be that you’ve planned to expand internationally from the very beginning of your business journey. Or perhaps entering new markets came later in your growth plan? Either way, you need to localize your mobile app to ensure it’s well-received by your target audience.

Mobile app localization is not just about making your app accessible in different languages. It’s about understanding (and responding to) different user preferences, habits, and perceptions, and about taking the cultural context into account. Picture your users effortlessly navigating through your interface, captivated by content that resonates with their cultural norms, traditions, and values.

This is the power of mobile app localization – creating an immersive and personalized experience that has a lasting impact. But let’s take a closer look at the benefits of localizing your mobile app.

Reach a Wider Audience

Many companies believe that English is something like a universal language, but that is far from the truth. Translating your app’s content, interface, and user instructions into different languages allows you to engage global users who may not be proficient in the app’s original language. This opens up opportunities to engage users who prefer using apps in their native language.

Localizing your app involves considering cultural nuances and adapting the content, visuals, and design elements to align with the target audience’s preferences, as well as cultural and social values. This makes the app more relatable and appealing to users from diverse cultural backgrounds.

It’s worth noting that app stores often prioritize localized apps in search results and rankings for specific regions. By localizing your app, you increase its visibility in relevant app stores, making it easier for users in different countries to discover and download your app. Additionally, there’s a lower competition ranking on local keywords. If you’re localizing your app’s content, chances are you’re capitalizing on a great opportunity simply by speaking your customers’ language.


Pro tip: Discover how Ciklopea supported Aircash’s international growth by providing in-context reviews and translating 200K+ words.

Build Positive Brand Perception

Investing in app localization shows a commitment to delivering a high-quality product. Users appreciate the effort put into ensuring accurate translations, culturally appropriate visuals, and a polished user interface. This attention to detail conveys professionalism, reliability, and a commitment to excellence, which positively influences brand perception.

Besides that, localization is the hidden hero that encourages your customers to trust and value your brand. When users see that you have taken the time and effort to adapt your app to their language and culture, they perceive your brand as more trustworthy and reliable. This trust translates into increased user confidence in your brand, leading to stronger brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

User loyalty leads to higher app retention rates, meaning users continue to use and engage with the app over an extended period. According to a study by Localytics, loyal app users (those who return to an app within three months) generate 25% more in-app purchases, which means their lifetime value is higher. They are also more likely to recommend the app to their friends.

Both from a marketing and business perspective, loyal users are precious. Acquiring new users can be costly due to advertising and marketing expenses. Retaining and nurturing loyal users is often more cost-effective. As a matter of fact, just by increasing customer retention by 5%, you can expect a profit increase between 25% and 95%.

Looking at the potential return on investment, it’s clear that mobile app localization is a no-brainer.

Increase Your Revenue

Mobile app localization helps you improve conversion rates by ensuring a seamless user experience. Global users are more likely to make purchases, subscribe to services, or upgrade to premium features if they enjoy the way you adjusted the app to their preferences. This includes language, UX, design, and more.

The localized experience reduces friction and enhances user confidence. As an end result, you can expect higher conversion rates and generate more revenue from different international markets. Different regions may have unique payment preferences, for example local payment methods or subscription models. If you make an effort to accommodate these preferences, you can increase your revenue streams.

Essentially, what you’re doing here is making it easy for your customers to buy from you. Here’s one example from Amazon. They introduced a 1-click button for ordering which not only simplified the way people buy products online but also encouraged impulsive purchases. Even though this example is not directly related to localization, it’s a great example of how creating a seamless user experience impacts behavior and sales.

Make sure to tailor your products or services to specific regions, and create targeted upselling and cross-selling opportunities. In this way, users will be more likely to engage and make in-app purchases. Localize your special promotions or exclusive offers, and it’s likely you’ll see a significant difference when it comes to the amount of revenue you generate from foreign markets.

Gain a Competitive Advantage and Increase Your Market Share

Luckily for you, many brands still perceive localization as a “nice-to-have” as opposed to a “must-have” for business success. For a lot of companies, localization is still not a priority and they treat it as an afterthought. In reality, localization can be your most valuable asset and a tool for growth.

Even though it’s not immediately obvious, mobile app localization can help you forge strategic partnerships with local companies and organizations. Consequently, collaborating with local businesses, influencers, and organizations can expand your visibility and credibility on the target market.

Such partnerships can provide access to local marketing channels, cross-promotion opportunities, and insights into the local market landscape, giving you an edge over competitors who may not have established similar connections.

Here’s an example of one of the most popular messaging apps that increased their market share through localization: WhatsApp. By supporting multiple languages and adapting its app to different regions, WhatsApp has been able to penetrate various international markets. For example, it offers localized versions for languages such as Spanish, Hindi, and Portuguese, which has contributed to its global dominance. At the moment, WhatsApp has over 2 billion users worldwide.

TikTok is another great example. The popular short-form video app has been localized in 75 languages. The app achieved global success and gained a significant market share in various countries through effective localization strategies. For example, in 2020, TikTok’s localization efforts in India, including localized content, challenges, and music, helped it become one of the most downloaded apps in the country. Impressive, don’t you think?


Still Not Convinced Mobile App Localization Is Worth It?

If WhatsApp and TikTok aren’t strong enough examples for you, here’s a piece of data to convince you mobile app localization is worth it: localized apps have up to 128% higher download rates per country compared to non-localized ones.

If you’re ready to reach a wider audience, build positive brand perception across different markets, increase your revenue, and gain a competitive advantage while increasing your market share, then start with localization.

Ciklopea can be your trustworthy language partner. We have the fastest response time in the industry, top-notch linguists and consultants, tech tools, and processes that make collaboration smooth and fruitful. Schedule your call today, we’re always happy to hear from you.

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