Language, Technology and Business: Ciklopea @ LocWorld34 in Barcelona

Ciklopea 8 years ago 6 min read

This year’s LocWorld34 conference, held in Barcelona on 14–16 June 2017, fulfilled the expectations of being a major event for language and technology professionals focused on cross-cultural communication and international business.

Language, Technology and Business: Ciklopea @ LocWorld34 in Barcelona

The main topic of the conference was Continuous Delivery and many sessions were focused on process optimization, content production and multilingual content management, as well as the latest developments in machine translation and the arrival of neural network based MT, all of them highlighting the need for the language industry to constantly reinvent itself in line with the development of technology and changing business demands.

Round table discussions were focused on marketing and sales, game localization and life sciences. Ciklopea was invited to share its experience and expertise in relation to the latter topic. Our contribution to the event was primarily based on the core of the language industry – language and the ways a multifaceted linguistic landscape of a specific region can impact localization practices, translation processes and the use of technology and, ultimately, business.

The life sciences round table was organized and moderated by Clio Schils.

The life sciences round table was organized and moderated by Clio Schils.

We took this opportunity to shed some light on the linguistic realities and complexities of the South Slavic linguistic area and their effect on business and regulatory aspects of the life sciences industry in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

Being a Zagreb-based LSP, we are fully aware that the case of differences and similarities between Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin and the potential issues in localization to, from and between these languages can be somewhat obscure to our foreign partners. Our Business Development Manager Zana Boljkovac tried to clarify this issue in her presentation Terminology Management when Localizing Medical Devices into the South Slavic Languages that could be, in a wider sense, understood as a collection of dos and don’ts in medical and pharmaceutical localization in the Balkans.

Zana Boljkovac, Ciklopea and Lena Sarbacher, Across Systems

Zana Boljkovac, Ciklopea and Lena Sarbacher, Across Systems

“We all know that technology and expert knowledge can and do create beautiful things, but it’s important to remember that knowledge comes first. There are certain cases when translation asset management can end up being its direct opposite and make the process cumbersome instead of leaner, and this is essentially what our presentation was about.”
Zana Boljkovac

Last but not the least, we also welcomed the opportunity to meet our partners from all over Europe and discuss current and future projects. LocWorld34 was an insightful and copious event and we are looking forward to the next conference.

Ciklopea @ LocWorld34 Barcelona

Ciklopea @ LocWorld34 in Barcelona

Ciklopea @ LocWorld34 Barcelona

Zana Boljkovac, Ciklopea and Malon Giraldi, Ludejo BV

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